A New Year
Well its been a while since the last post mainly because there has been nothing doing on the layout to report of.
Christmas and New Year has been and gone and I am two thirds through the holiday break and I have been doing mainly sanding and painting bedrooms. Unfortunately this work has to be done.
I had gone to the paint shop again this morning to get yet another 4 litres of bedroom paint and overheard the man behind the counter telling another customer that today because it was going to be in the high thirties that "It will be too hot to paint today" This was also in response to my statement "Gee this should be a good paint drying day today"
With the "too hot to paint" words still ringing in my ears I met up with my wife in the shopping centre and told her these very words. Being the great wife she is, she had no problems with me having a 'painting' day off.
What to do. I had an idea that I wanted to try and construct some 'blackboys'. If you don't happen to know what they are you can also google 'grasstree'. This is what the thought police want us to call them now so as not to offend?
I eventually got all the ingredients together and have made the first three that have been stuck into a bit of scenery to see how they would go. I am fairly pleased with the first couple but will hopefully improve on the next batch. They come in all shapes and sizes and by the similar sizes of these three I would say they are all related having grown up in the same area.
I have also included two other shots around the tunnel exit, one of a 421 class and the other of a 49 class in the same area
I am not sure how much I will get done in the next week down the shed. I want to tick the boxes with the rooms redone. One room will become a study and will have the computers set up in there. This blog is being typed from the servery with all the components being spread out on the bench top. The new case was left out on the lounge one night by mistake. The next morning there was a pile of cut wires and soon the penny dropped that the house rabbit 'Rusty' had been up to his old tricks and chewed the computer cables and rendered the unit useless.
Does anyone out there have any good rabbit recipes they can send me?