Sorry don't want to alarm you and no I'm not referring to any medical condition. I was doing a bit of a scratch around of the shed today looking for items that are no longer wanted and fit for an upcoming second hand stall to raise some cash for all the new products flooding the market.
It surprising how much stuff you have that is no longer needed. I will be putting a few wagons in that have been replaced with superior models.
Like most of us out there we all have boxes of kits that have been put aside for the rainy day with all good intentions that one day we will find the time to put them together.
This must be at least the second sweep through my unbuilt collection of kits. Our most precious commodity especially the older you get is time. A great example of this was the DJH 32 class kit that resided in a dark box for over 12 years. The statement that if you wait long enough a RTR will come along held true with the 32. Trainorama had announced they were doing the 32 class and thats when the fate of the blue box of bits and pieces met its end with me. The kit was sold at the Epping Model Rail exhibition second hand stall and although I had to make up the difference in cost, I was handed over a very nice model that ran as soon as the juice was turned on. The 32 was going to be my first white metal kit to be assembled.
Following the 32 class I also purchased the DJH 36 and 50 class kits. These kits met a similar fate. When the Austrains 36 came along the 36 was similiarly despatched the same way as the 32 class. The 50 class was onsold to a guy from work. I was a bit premature with the 50 class as all the forums were saying a local hobby shop were going to do the standard goods range. I now regret this descision as it seems they will be years away and it would have made up into a nice kit.
A DJH 30T kit I had was assembled by a friend ( he wanted practice - go for it I said) and the kit made up into a nice model. The only trouble is that is has not yet been painted. But a few more years of grime fallout onto the loco should see it blackened all over. This loco with regards to painting it has fallen into the same situation as assembling white metal kits. I think its the learning curve that maybe scaring me off. I can imagine soldering the steam dome and missing (Bugger just put a great dent in it with the hot soldering iron). Ah well maybe my answer is to go all diesel fleet or wait till we get ready to run steam models.

I think when the scenery is suitably advanced and near finished, I will dig out this box again and make a start on some of the fine aspects of detailing the layout.
But for now the box is back under the layout awaiting the call.