Sunday, 27 September 2009

Still Here

Its a Sunday night and I thought I had better do an update to let you know all's well.

The last blog was nearly four weeks ago and not a lot has happened layout wise in that time. I thought it best to at least put a few recent shots onto the blog maybe just to prove I am alive and kicking.

I follow quite a few Aussie blogs (and at least one American). Some post more often than others and I wonder if they have forgotten the blog sites. There are heaps of people out there hanging on a thread waiting to follow their layout progress. Maybe we should have phone numbers on the blogs and if you haven’t posted for six weeks we can give you a ring and see if all’s well.

My last blog was about the Broadmeadow exhibition and with one week to go, the highlight of the year, the Liverpool exhibition is fast approaching. I intend going on the Sunday mainly to miss the crowds that form a huge queue at the door on Saturday morning and crowd out the layouts for viewing. An if you go Monday some of the things I’m after may be gone.

So Sunday should be a good day, exhibition in the morning and back home for the footy grand final in the afternoon. My team – a -ly (fill in the missing spaces yourself – its the team they all hate) have already started their summer rest period. I have decided to go for my wifes' team Parramatta as the Melbourne team the Storm have knocked out my team already.

October starts a two week break and other than a pile of bedroom painting, landscaping etc I may get a bit of modelling done. I have told God I need to live to be 145 years old to get the layout finished so we will see what the future brings.

Below are three shots taken around Narooma this weekend.

Three private tankers are unloaded at the meat siding. The shop at the level crossing is still to receive windows and stock to sell inside. (Which may explain lack of customers)

44 class doing backstroke arrives at Narooma. The siding to the right will be the oil siding in the future.

44 class arriving Narooma passing the newly installed weed patch. The dairy in the background will be bulldozed one day for a more aussie looking building. As a matter of fact the trains arrive so fast near the dairy they are passed your eyes before you can see them!