Sunday 27 November 2011

Rolling in dough
This Saturday I attended a sale day presented by the Epping Model Railway club. They were most considerate by having it start at 10.0am, as both Saturday and Sunday are currently my favourite sleep in days.
It was a lousy week for weather and I spent the fifteen minutes up to opening time sitting in the car waiting for the rain to stop.
At 10.0am right on the dot they threw open the doors and welcomed us to market day. There are two large rooms with private buyers having tables with their goods to sell. Most seemed to be private set ups, but Austrains were also there. I guess their motive was to save you postage. They didn't get a visit from me.
Past visits to these sales have been good for me. In the past I purchased a completed Hanovale weathered bogie ballast plough (BBP) for $25. I also acquired an Ian Lindsay bogie van (MCV?), last year I purchased some oil tanks.
This year I was lucky to pick up two Ian Lindsay Models that had been assembled but at this stage unpainted and decalled.
One of the kits was an EHO brakevan (commonly referred to as 'a loaf of bread' - hence the title of this thread) This is listed on the ILM website as $93 as a kit.

Also with the EHO was an assembled kit for another Ian Lindsay model being the KB mail van. (Listed for $77)

When I asked how much they were I quickly snapped them up at a bargain $30 each. Now I'm not sure how long they will stay unpainted like this, maybe when I get sick of doing scenery and have a break and finish off a few kits etc.
A quick trip round the rest of the tables didn't reveal much more. True there was plenty I could have got but having these two models in the bag so early made me more choosy regarding the rest.
The day is also enhanced by the club providing a sausage sizzle on all day. It was also interesting to see some well known modellers present with bags of 'leftovers' being flogged off. You know a few decals, plus a few other bits and pieces in a plastic bag for $20 or so. Kits they no longer wanted or could be bothered to put together.
After an hour or so I decided to leave, the rain had stopped by then and with my bag of goodies I headed home.

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